100th POST! Comic Bulletin Reviews for 11/12 - yeah, I'm sticking around, but I've still moved!

Okay, so I'm sticking around here, cuz I still like Blogger, and my WORST WRITER IN THE WORLD blog, but I'm primarily going to be posting content over at THE GILLIAN'S HEART BLOG. Then, when I have the time, like now, re-posting posts there over here. But Wordpress is turning out to be pretty cool. But so is Blogger. Sigh...

Oh, and THIS IS MY 100TH POST!!! WHOO-HOO!!!! Guess I couldn't really just ditch after 99 posts and no 100th. Yeah, this feels good. So what if it's more work? I can deal. (*gulp*)

Anywho, without further ado:

The latest reviews with Link to Comics Bulletin website are up!

WARNING: Some of these are quite catty. If you're opposed to negativity and snark, steer clear, or you can just get catty and snarky back with me and leave a comment ;)

All "Bullet" ratings are on a 1-5 scale, 5 being the highest/best.

I Hate Gallant Girl #1 cover by DamooseI HATE GALLANT GIRL #1 (0f 3) - 2 Bullets! The runner-up for the "Create a Super-Heroine" contest held by Shadowline earlier this year, gets published as a 3-issue mini before the actual winner...by Shadowline! (yeah, not the smartest damn move they ever did make). Gallant Girl is chosen in a Miss America-like pageant every year, but what happens when the truly talented, powerful girl is passed up for a talentless slut with better looks? Sadly, the series doesn't mirror its own premise, and this runner-up doesn't show half the promise its title character does. READ THE FULL REVIEW!

Nightwing #150 coverNIGHTWING #150 - 3 Bullets! Definitely one of the best issues of Nightwing sincep pre-Infinite Crisis/One Year Later/Countdown/Final Crisis, etc., you get the idear. Two Face and Dick square off in a rematch that's been building since Dick's first days as Robin! Double-sized issue, dirigibles, lots of fighting, obnoxious soliloquy, and absolutely nothing to do with RIP not matter what the cover says. Not a groundbreaker, but a solid anniversary issue. READ THE FULL REVIEW!

LAST REIGN: KINGS OF WAR #1 coverWALTER BECKER'S LAST REIGN: KINGS OF WAR #1 (of 5) - A dismal 1 Bullet! The director of VAN WILDER and WILD HOGS teams up with the scripter of FALL OF CTHULU and newbie artist Ed Estevez for a brand new sci-fi fantasy extravaganza...that fails on nearly every level imaginable. BOOM! is a great company, but wow. Wow. I'm speechless. Ha, no, you wish. READ THE FULL REVIEW!

Cthulu Tales #8 coverCTHULU TALES #8 - 3.5 Bullets! Two stories, "The Elite" and "Theater of the Empty Eye", that latter being the first pro publication of Comics Bulletin editor MATTHEW MCLEAN. A good issue, "The Elite" being cliche but well done, and Mclean's story blowing it all out of the water, albeit with an editorially mandated final moment which is only so-so. I hope Matt can explore the concept beyond this short, though. It rules. READ ALL ABOUT IT!

That's it for this week - more to come! --Dave B.

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