Septagon Studios News Blog Nominated for "BEST COMICS BLOG" - and well deserved!

Head over to the SEPTAGON STUDIOS NEWS BLOG, now more than ever because their superb ground-breaking blog has just been nominated for "Best Comics Blog" Award at the awards site!

Go HERE TO VOTE. All you have to do is register for the Awards site and then cast your vote by rating the site 1-5 stars (oh, come on and just give 'em 5 already! - no equivocating on this one!)

SS offers essay-esque coverage on comic news and thought-provoking and utterly enlightening editorials on starting up a small press comics company in the modern age, marketing, printing, etc. Their design sense is insane, too. The blog looks GORGEOUS. But for once, it's pretty AND has content. 200% more small press coverage than your average blog to boot.

So VOTE FOR THEM! Huzzah! --Dave B.

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