Jason Copeland's Convention Sketchbook for only $5 - with personalized sketch!

Up-and-coming artist Jason Copeland (with a backup feature soon to be seen in the back of PERHAPANAUTS!) is now selling his first convention Sketchbook, titled "Marks on Paper 1" for a meager $5 - a price that INCLUDES shipping in the US! PLUS you get a personalized sketch of your choice in the book to boot! In a word - HOLY FREAKING JEHOSAPHAT!!!! GET THIS SKETCHBOOK!!!

Jason Copeland's Marks on Paper 1

In Jason's own words:

"I am now selling my convention sketchbook. For a measly $5 you get 28 pages of black and white drawing goodness wrapped in a cool gray card stock cover. There is a great range of subject matter and drawing styles contained within. And, there is even a space on the first interior page for an original sketch... by me!! That's right! If you wish, I will sketch you something original right in your very own copy! Please specify what I should draw, if you don't want me just drawing something of my own design. Postage is included in the $5, if sending it regular snail mail is cool with you, otherwise we can work something out.

If you're interested, just leave a comment here (with a way to contact you) or email me at: j dot copland at telus dot net"

Go to Jason's BLOG and buy this sketchbook now! Before he's too much of a big wig to give us the time of day (without charging $200 to draw it on scrap paper). --Dave B.

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Donna Barr said...

We have GOT to find a way for all us artists to get the money while we're ALIVE. I've been locking up a lot of my art in the San Diego University Special Collections. It's going out of the market. People had better buy it NOW -- or they won't find it after I'm dead. SDSU will have it.

Dave Baxter said...

Uh-oh. Does that mean that latest site for your art is the grand finale for you? I need to get some funds together! I definitely want to pick something out before you bow it all out... Mmmm...original piece of Barr art. Oh, my, yes. Happiness. --Dave B.

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