NOVO VOLUME 2 FOR ORDER NOW! Bestest find of last year continues!

NOVO 2 in October previews..order all month!

For those of you who frequent a local comic shop, this message is for you. All this month NOVO Volume 2: "THE PRIDE" is in the October issue of PREVIEWS. So go on down to your comic shop and place your order today!! To preview the book and read some reviews on the first installment of NOVO just go HERE

And if you can talk your LCS into carrying my books...EVEN BETTER!

For anyone who gets their books online or at a regular ol' bookstore, you can pre-order NOVO at AMAZON

NOVO is an amazing book, one of the best goddamn finds of the past year for me, so check this out if you like daring new art and storytelling techniques doing classic-mold adventure type yarns. This one rocks it out of the park.

You can read my "Inter-Review" (a review and interview intertwined!) of NOVO Vol. 1 by clicking HERE. by review for creator Michael S. Bracco's NOVO prequel Graphic Novel BIRTH
and also his early works ATTY & MAX and finally THE COLLECTIVE (AND OTHER STORIES)

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